Friday, May 29, 2015

Nothing is good enough...

Why is it that we always feel like what we are doing is not good enough?  In my case no matter how hard I hustle and go places, take meetings, network, meet new and old friends, take classes, audition and talk to my agent, manager, and any other person in the world about my always comes down to it not being enough! Is it that we feel we are not good enough where we are or simply we don't recognize what we have?  I'm testing this theory as I truly find myself behind tasks and all over the place.  Yesterday I ran into the nicest lady who reads future for the living and the first words out of her mouth have too many things going on!!!! I had to stop and think is it that even though a total stranger is telling me to slow down and I think she maybe right but I still feel behind and the need to go faster...why is it that nothing is ever good enough?????

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


It's all about how you feel in this industry.  I felt sad for days and kept blaming myself for not booking this or that role. The truth is when you are lucky enough to get an audition and you perform your best and by that I mean give it your all and walk away or tape are now done!!!!! You no longer have control of why you didn't book the part as there are soooooooo many things happening behind the scene that you don't have any control over. Feeling up and full of positive energy can help you get far in showbiz and the opposite is when you feel down,  you are pushing away all the good that is waiting for you.  It's all about doing and doing and doing some more and eventually something's gotta give...the universe will respond to all your may not be this project but maybe,  just maybe the next one!!!