Friday, March 27, 2015

Break Time

Ok so...there is such a thing as doing too much...Last week I had an amazing audition for a great TV show and when I showed up...the wonderful Casting Director thought I looked too young for the role in mind so she asked me to go back for a different role and a different worked on it and got my wonderful friend ISI's help and was ready to kill it...I went in all confident and ready and did the performance and as I left trying to get myself in order as I always leave parts of me behind at the C/D's office...I realized I couldn't wait to find out if I got the part...and I knew in my heart that it was mine and I was smiling.  Days passed and I didn't hear anything and I begged my agent to find out what was going on and finally I was told that they went with someone you see, it's never up to us...what is up to you is...DO your best and let it go... take a break, vacation, little holidays here and there so you don't over think, over analyze and drive yourself NUTS about everything...or you will get burned out and believe me that's the last thing you want.  

Monday, March 16, 2015

What a Girl Needs....

Frustrated as I still have no hot shower and that maybe the main reason that I'm not in the most exciting mood good friend and very new friend G, calls me up on the phone and she sounds all happy and excited...she has many things to worry about but some how she's super happy and positive.   As I start going down on my how to sabotage my life... she STOPS me and says MAGGIE no no no...I can't let you do that.  You have to be positive and on top of it. If you are in this stay and make it work.  I tell you it was as though she opened some new door in me that I hadn't known about and let the light in.  So, no matter what or how crazy of a dream you have...DO NOT GIVE were meant to do what are you waiting for...No Fear is needed on this amazing journey only Happy thoughts and positive friends.  All you need is G.  

Sleepless in Cali

Too much going on…it’s 3am and I can not sleep…As the Pilot Season is hot and heavy right now…well it hasn’t been super hot for Ce Moa.. the only thing hot in the last few days has been the hot heat outside…My head is full of thoughts, ideas, projects… at 3am sleep is necessary to make all of them come true so I’m going to try to catch some zzzz’z.  Night night…

Friday, March 13, 2015

Day 1 here we go....

Happy Friday...sun is shining in Southern Cali and while my family is freezing their asses off in Chi town I'm sitting here in my bra and pj bottoms...starting my very own BLOG!!! That's right bitches...this is going to be the raw and the real no bullshit all that there is about life, acting and advice on anything and we go!!!